KS 1, KS 2 : Anti-bullying (Last updated: 13/07/2022)
This resource discusses the different types of bullying, how it makes us feel and what we can do about it by seeking help through trusted adults.
Halloween (Primary)
KS 1, KS 2 : ASB (Last updated: 10/10/2022)
This product aimed primarily at KS2 students explains how to enjoy halloween and bonfire night safely. It explains how ASB can negatively impact on more vulnerable members of our community. There are some basic safety messages about firework use.
Our online friends
KS 1 : Online Safety (Last updated: 12/01/2022)
This 20-30 minute product is designed for key stage one and specifically year 2. It discusses how we get online and what sites and apps we use. It highlights the difference between an online and offline friend and how to tell how online friends may not always be what they seem. Using Lee and Kim video from ThinkUKnow, we learn the top tips about staying safe online.