While the chances of being caught up in an attack are rare, these free lessons — developed these lessons in collaboration with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) as part of the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) for YOUTH campaign — provide vital guidance which can be applied to many places and situations.
Category: Prevent
Audience: KS3, KS4
Developed by: PSHE Association/NaCTSO
Duration (minutes): 2×60
The two lessons cover: the three steps of RUN HIDE TELL and when it would be appropriate to use them; the importance of not using a mobile phone to take photos or film in the event of a knife or gun attack; how to identify suspicious behavior and/or items, and the appropriate actions to take.
The PSHE Association have put together these practical suggestions for ways you can structure questioning, discussion or further learning.
Category: Prevent
Audience: KS1, KS2
Developed by:
Duration (minutes):
Although the PSHE Association normally advise that teaching and learning in PSHE education is built into a planned progressive programme, there are times when teachers need to respond immediately to unforeseen events, such as terrorist attacks.
They have put together these practical suggestions for ways you can structure questioning, discussion or further learning.
When a terrorist attack occurs, pupils will hear about it in a number of ways — some of which may be inaccurate, untrue, or based on rumour or speculation. Wherever they occur, events may create feelings of personal anxiety and fear that children can find hard to articulate. Giving them a context to discuss, question and express their thoughts and feelings will help them to process what has happened in a safe environment with a trusted adult.
Although the PSHE Association normally advise that teaching and learning in PSHE education is built into a planned progressive programme, there are times when you may need to respond immediately to unforeseen events, such as terrorist attacks.
Category: Prevent
Audience: KS3, KS4
Developed by: PSHE Association
Duration (minutes): N/A
Terrorist attacks can create a variety of feelings, including curiosity, excitement, anxiety or fear. This discussion framework can be adapted to a range of situations, and provides a framework for young people to discuss such events and process what has happened in the safety of a classroom.