“Nudes” | Youth Produced Sexual Imagery (VAWG: Part Two)

KS 3, KS 4 : Online Safety (Last updated: 04/01/2023)

An updated version of the Sexting/YPSI/SGII presentation for delivery at secondary school level.

This session can be delivered in isolation or as part of the Violence against Women and Girls 3-part package.

Presentation I Lesson plan

A great night out (VAWG: Part One)

KS 4 : Personal Safety (Last updated: 04/01/2023)

Created as part of the Violence against women and girls package, this resource covers a night out with friends and how situations might make you feel unsafe. It is designed to begin to create discussion in groups about ‘Protective Behaviours’ (how your feel when you feel in danger) as well as keeping safe. It also begins to start discussing the role of boys/men in tackling violence against women and girls.

Please note, this session should be delivered with the following resources: (1) Nudes (2) VAWG

Please contact the HQ CCP team if you are considering delivering this package.

Presentation I Lesson plan

Anti-Social behaviour

KS 3, KS 4 : ASB (Last updated: 13/07/2022)

Presentation for KS 3 and 4 discussing the impact of ASB, the law and alcohol.


Drink spiking

KS 4, KS 5 : Drugs (Last updated: 27/01/2022)

** For approved Delivery only **

This presentation for young people who may be going out drinking provides guidance on how to stay safe.


Drugs awareness (Targeted)

KS 3, KS 4, KS 5 : Drugs (Last updated: 13/07/2022)

This presentation is for targeted delivery only and covers a range of different drugs and the impact they have on the body. This is health based approach and although it refers to the laws, it’s intent is explain the risks of drugs.

As the content of the presentation covers a range of drug types, irrelevant slides can be removed. It is also recommended that the input is delivered by youth specialist staff in partnership with a drug organisation or DLO. For guidance contact the HQ CCP team.



KS 4 : Exploitation (Last updated: 19/04/2023)

This presentation covers a wide range of exploitative behaviour, the risks and how to be resilient to the potential threats. It looks at real life cases and discusses grooming, online dating and consent.


Halloween (Secondary)

KS 3, KS 4 : ASB, Personal Safety (Last updated: 10/10/2022)

This product for key stage 3 and 4 students explains how to enjoy halloween and bonfire night safely. It focuses on the impact of ASB on the community and potential health risks from firework misuse. The video within the presentation contains graphic images and should be viewed prior to delivery to ensure suitability.


Hate crime

KS 3, KS 4 : Hate crime (Last updated: 13/07/2022)

This presentation discusses the different types of hate crimes, what constitutes a hate crime and the impact it has on a victim and the potential impact on an offender.

Presentation I Lesson plan

Knife Crime: Targeted

KS 3, KS 4, KS 5 : Violence (Last updated: 01/03/2022)

This package has been created for targeted responses only. The 45-60 minute session conveys the impact of a knife incident to those connected to it (officer, paramedic, family) etc and shows how one act of violence can hurt many people.
Part way through the presentation there are two videos. You will need to discuss with the school which video you opt for as one contains more impactive content.
To deliver this package, contact the CCP HQ team

Presentation I Lesson plan

Online safety and reputation

KS 4, KS 5 : Online Safety (Last updated: 17/10/2019)

This presentation for students about to leave school or college is designed to make them aware of online risks that may not have been significant until now. It discusses bullying and hate crime, before conveying some of the risks from youth produced sexual imagery and revenge porn and grooming. Additionally it addresses online dating, fake news, cyber security and includes significant content about online reputation.


Online safety and the law

KS 4 : Online Safety (Last updated: 16/10/2019)

This presentation is designed for delivery at key stage 4, specifically year 10. It covers a wide range of themes including bullying, sexting, grooming as well as an optional section on cyber security. It also discusses our image online (‘instaface’) and how this can affect our well being. This session may draw out some sensitive issues and discussion with the class teacher and safeguarding lead should happen in advance of the session. If you have any concerns in delivering this module, speak with your local YIO or the youth services team at HQ.



KS 4 : Exploitation (Last updated: 10/02/2020)

This short presentation and accompanying video discuss the risks of online behaviour that can result in exploitation. Ensure you watch the video fully before delivery.
