06/01/2025: ‘How parent advocacy can rebalance the power dynamics of the children’s social care system’

A parent-led network argues that peer to peer advocates can help ensure families’ voices are heard during the child protection process and overcome misunderstandings between parents and professionals.

Community Care

17/12/2024: Plan to register children not in school takes shape

A register to identify children who are not in school in England will be part of a bill introduced to Parliament on Tuesday.

BBC News

16/12/2024: ‘Families first for children’ model to be rolled out to all councils, says chief social worker

Approach involving family help and specialist child protection teams that is currently being tested in 10 areas to be extended across England, says Isabelle Trowler

Community Care

13/12/2024: Practitioners struggling to respond to extrafamilial harm to children, finds analysis of serious cases

Staff not picking up on early signs of risk, such as missing episodes, while there is little evidence that interventions are keeping children safe, says national safeguarding panel, in annual report.

Community Care

11/12/2024: How working parents can get 15 and 30 hours free childcare

Working parents of children from nine months old can now access 15 hours a week of free childcare.

BBC News

09/12/2024: Two-thirds of England’s poorest families miss out on childcare, report finds

IPPR and Save the Children call for measures including new not-for-profit nursery trusts and increased funding for deprived areas


06/12/2024: High number of pupils regularly missing school

Almost a quarter of children in Bristol are persistently absent from school, according to Ofsted.

BBC News

05/12/2024: Ofsted ‘alarmed’ by absences and ‘flexi-schooling’

The “alarming” level of children missing school has become a “stubborn and damaging issue”, according to the chief inspector of Ofsted, England’s schools regulator.

BBC News

05/12/2024: Disadvantaged children hardest hit by education and social care challenges, warns Ofsted

The most vulnerable and disadvantaged children are those worst affected by recruitment and demand pressures across children’s social care and education, Ofsted is warning.

Children and Young People Now

04/12/2024: Parent mental health service is ‘like a lifeline’

Two mothers who have been helped by a “pioneering” adult mental health service have said it helped them keep their families together.

BBC News