
Certificate in Understanding County LinesFor school staff

Provider: The National College

published: £80.00

Child exploitation and drugs trafficking are illegal throughout the UK. All school staff should be aware of indicators that children are at-risk from, or are involved in, serious violent crime, including county lines, as part of their statutory safeguarding duties. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand, identify and support children who may be vulnerable to exploitation and at risk of being recruited into county lines.

Child Criminal Exploitation, Gangs and County Lines TrainingUnderstanding of gang issues and county lines

Provider: Virtual College

published: £30.00

Formerly known as Gang Related Issues and County Lines this online Child Criminal Exploitation, Gangs and County Lines training has been designed to give learners a better understanding of gang issues and county lines by looking at these terms, what they mean and the signs and symptoms of abuse. The online CPD approved safeguarding training also looks at Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE), its definition and how to recognise it and much more.


Alcohol and substance useImpact of this on young people’s mental health

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It will probably come as no surprise that drinking and drug culture is a huge problem for students. Leaving home and gaining independence is a very exciting time for any student but this can come with its own problems and struggles, one of the main ones being the pressure to drink and use substances.

County Lines—breaking chains of abuse & exploitationDisrupting Exploitation Programme

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In this episode Andy McClenaghan is joined by Lucy Dacey, National Programme Manager for The Children’s Society’s Disrupting Exploitation Programme and Bekah Pierre, Professional Officer with BASW England.

Criminal Exploitation and county linesInformation and advice

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In this episode, we discuss criminal exploitation and county lines. The experts are Dave, a parent whose son, Mark, became involved with gangs, and Catherine, a youth justice manager who worked with Dave and Mark and has expertise in gangs and county lines.

Say Why to DrugsInformation and advice

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The internet is full of misinformation about recreational drugs – both legal and illegal. Dr Suzi Gage, a psychologist interested in understanding associations between substance use and mental health, tackles one substance per episode.

What should we do about the rise in children vaping?The impact of vaping on young people

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Madeleine Finlay speaks to former Guardian health editor Sarah Boseley about the rise in vaping among under-18s and what can be done to discourage more children from taking up the habit. She also hears from Prof Linda Bauld about the impact of vaping on young people



abiandaWorking with young women and girls affected by criminal exploitation and violence

Website: Link


LinkedIn: Link



Abianda is a social enterprise that works with young women and girls affected by criminal exploitation and violence and provides training for the professionals who work with them.

ChildlineOnline and telephone support helpline

Website: Link

Phone: 0800 1111


Facebook: Link


Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you. Childline is free, confidential and available any time, day or night. Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.

County lines (Fearless)Understanding County Lines

Website: Link





County Lines is a very serious issue where criminal gangs set up a drug dealing operation in a place outside their usual operating area. Gangs will move their drug dealing from big cities (e.g. London, Manchester, Liverpool etc.) to smaller towns in order to make more money. This can have a really big effect on the community who live there and bring with it serious criminal behaviour.

County lines and child criminal exploitationFacts and information

Website: Link





Children as young as six are being forced to carry and sell drugs far away from their homes. They are made to skip school, sleep in drug dens, keep secrets from their loved ones. They are treated as criminals when they often feel trapped in a hopeless situation.

Fully HumanFully Human is the research and development arm of the PSHE Association.

Website: Link





Fully Human is the research and development arm of the PSHE Association. It’s our place to think, stretch out and join the dots between this fast changing world and what might best support children and young people to navigate it.

Not In Our Community: Grooming and ExploitationProtect against grooming and exploitation.

Website: Link



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YouTube: Link

Developed with young people, Not In Our Community means working together to protect against grooming and exploitation. This website contains education resources for year 6 students and above. Includes county lines materials

Talk to FrankHonest information about drugs

Website: Link





Home Office Minister Lord Henley said ‘There are so many ways for young people to get information on drugs: through their friends, the internet, TV programmes, films and song lyrics that knowing what’s true and where the dangers lie can be difficult. It is important that young people know that FRANK will always give them free and accurate information and confidential advice whenever they need it.

The MixThe UK’s leading support service for young people

Website: Link



Facebook: Link

YouTube: Link

The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. We are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing – from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to us via our online community, on social, through our free, confidential helpline or our counselling service.

Youth vaping resourcesCornwall Public Health team

Website: Link





In response to requests for resources on youth vaping, our Public Health team have provided this toolkit aimed at schools, colleges and other professionals who work with children and young people, as well as parents and carers. These resources have been adapted with permission from Sheffield Council who developed them with ASH (Action on Smoking and Health), a public health charity set up by the Royal College of Physicians to end the harm caused by tobacco. The resources are designed to support educators, including PSHE and safeguarding leads, parents, and carers to have evidence-based conversations and enable children and young people to make informed decisions about vaping.


Alcohol and drug treatment in secure settings 2022 to 2023: reportData

Author: Gov.UK

Published: 26-01-2024

There were 46,551 adults in alcohol and drug treatment in prisons and secure settings between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. Numbers in treatment have increased 3% year on year for the last 2 years, with 43,607 reported in 2020 to 2021 and 45,096 in 2021 to 2022.

Nitazene (RADAR Alert)Nitazenes overview

Author: RADAR (Scotland)

Published: 01-12-2023

There is an increase in the availability of a new type of synthetic opioid drugs called nitazenes. They are also known as 2-benzyl benzimidazole opioids. Due to their unexpected presence in the drug supply and high potency, nitazenes pose a substantial risk of overdose, hospitalisation and death.

Patterns in alcohol- related violence:Exploring recent declines in alcohol- related violence in England and Wales

Author: Institute of Alcohol Studies

Published: 28-02-2023

This report examines possible explanations for the decline seen in alcohol-related violence – drawing on existing literature exploring: changing patterns in violence (e.g., Farrell et al. 2014), alcohol’s relationship with violence (e.g., Graham & Livingston 2011), and the measurement of violence (e.g., Reiner 2016).


Recreational use of nitrous oxide —a growing concern for Europe

Author: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

Published: 23-01-2023

The purpose of this report is to examine the current situation, risks and responses to the recreational use of nitrous oxide in Europe. To support this, the report also provides a state-of-the-art review of the chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology of the gas. It is intended for policymakers and practitioners.


“I don’t want to go down that road”The harms inflicted on criminally exploited children

Author: Action For Childre


In March 2024 we published the findings of the Jay Review of Criminally Exploited Children. This is our first piece of follow-up research, which examines the harms caused to exploited children and makes recommendations to ensure that these children can be safeguarded effectively.


Classroom Resources

Drug and alcohol education

Cover the statutory Health Education requirements with our drug and alcohol lesson packs

Category: Drugs

Audience: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5

Developed by: PSHE Association

Duration (minutes): 30+

Keywords: drugs, county lines, alcohol

The PSHE Association drug and alcohol schemes of work for key stages 1-4 have been developed for Public Health England. This pack includes lesson plans and resources for each key stage — with knowledge organisers included — as well as a comprehensive teacher guidance document, a briefing on the evidence base underpinning effective drug and alcohol education, and governors’ briefing. Interactive PowerPoint lesson plans are also available, for members of the Association.

Drugs and alcohol education for pupils with SEND

Support pupils with SEND to explore the facts, laws, risks and consequences associated with drug and alcohol use, as well as the dangers of household products and prescribed medications.

Category: Drugs

Audience: SEND

Developed by: PSHE Association

Duration (minutes): <60


These lesson plans and slides are designed to be used flexibly, and can be adapted to meet the needs and abilities of your pupils. Each lesson provides several main activities for you to choose from, which are based on the progression stages outlined in our Planning Framework for Pupils with SEND.

Preventing Involvement in Serious and Organised Crime

The lesson plans from the Home Office are designed to prevent young people becoming involved in serious and organised crime.

Category: Crime and ASB, Drugs

Audience: KS3

Developed by: Home Office

Duration (minutes): 2×60


The Year 7 lesson will help students recognise unsafe or coercive friendships. The Year 9 lesson explores the impact of serious and organised crime directly, including the example of young people involved in drugs supply with a focus on county lines (transporting drugs across counties).


KS3 form time activities

Category: Drugs

Audience: KS3

Developed by: Gov.UK

Duration (minutes): -30 mins


In these 3 form time sessions, students learn about social pressures around vaping, its impact, and the effects of nicotine on the adolescent brain.

Vaping year 9 lesson pack

Consequences of vaping and challenging the influences that might encourage young people to vape

Category: Drugs

Audience: KS3

Developed by: PSHE Association

Duration (minutes): 60

Keywords: vaping, consequences, harm

A year 9 lesson exploring the consequences of vaping and challenging the influences that might encourage young people to vape. Designed to follow on from the Year 9 lessons in our existing suite of drug and alcohol education lessons, this lesson will help students understand the impact of influences, influencers and marketing on vaping-related choices and behaviours, explain the consequences of vaping, including the environmental cost of e-cigarettes, analyse ways to challenge influences and misconceptions about vaping


25/02/2025: Generation K: The disturbing rise of ketamine abuse among young people

At the urology department of Burnley General Hospital, 26-year-old Ryan (not his real name) is having a drug solution inserted through a catheter – part of his treatment for a condition known as ketamine bladder.

BBC News

24/02/2025: Vaping ‘more dangerous than smoking’, bombshell first-of-its-kind study reveals – raises risk of THREE deadly diseases

Regularly using e-cigarettes could put users at risk of dementia, heart disease and organ failure, a bombshell study has revealed.

Daily Mail

19/02/2025: Government launches vaping study and social media campaign on dangers

The government has launched a £62 million study to examine the impact of vaping on young people, amid the trend which has “skyrocketed” in recent years.

Children and Young People Now

19/02/2025: 10-year study to shed light on youth vaping

Landmark study to investigate long-term health effects of vaping on young people’s health and wellbeing, alongside wider influences on adolescent health.


05/02/2025: ‘Alarming’ rise in strong illicit nicotine pouches

High strength nicotine pouches that are being sold illegally in the UK could cause inadvertent overdosing and harm to teenagers and young adults, experts have warned.

BBC News

05/12/2024: Welcome Rise Of Numbers In Drug & Alcohol Treatment

2023/24 treatment stats show welcome (7%) rise in numbers in drug & alcohol treatment.

Russell Webster

25/11/2024: ‘I had no idea being a social drinker would damage my liver by 31’

At 31 years old, I was told by doctors that if I didn’t stop drinking alcohol, I could die.

BBC News

06/11/2024: What is the UK smoking ban and how many people still smoke?

It will be illegal for anyone currently aged 15 or under to ever buy cigarettes in the UK, under new laws proposed by the government.

BBC News

04/11/2024: ‘I wish I’d never taken it’: More young people seeking rehab as ketamine addiction spirals in the UK

Casey Innalls was left in excruciating pain and was hospitalised for 12 days with a condition known as k-bladder


31/10/2024: Students taught about spiking dangers in new campaign

Students are being taught about the dangers of drink spiking using goggles that simulate how it might feel to be drugged.

BBC News